REGIONALadnan's kitchen


  •  1 small  Chicken
  •  1 cup ordinary rice
  •  1 bundle of parsley
  •  1 onion
  •  Salt, pepper, allspice & 5 cloves.




Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées are vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream; cream soups may be thickened with béchamel sauce; and veloutés are thickened with eggs, butter, and cream. Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, lentils, flour, and grains; many popular soups also include carrots and potatoes.


Adnan's Kitchen
Chicken Soup



  1. Wash chicken and cut it into 8 pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into 4 pieces.
  3. Cook chicken and onion together in a deep cooking pot.
  4. Add salt,  pepper, cloves and all spice, then cover them with water and let  boil till chicken is half done.
  5. Wash parsley and chop it fine, then add it to the chicken in the pot.
  6. Wash rice and drop it in the boiling chicken broth and let cook till done to taste.